Saturday, 16 June 2012

Mission 07 - Operation: Firestorm

Attention Gallians. This is General J.R of the Gallian Liberation Front. I have a mission for you to help strengthen the chances of localization. This will be an ongoing mission so it is not specified to a particular date but will commence as soon as you read this brief. Recent reports have stated that there is not much activity going on within the community to identify a significant demand to warrant localization of Valkyria Chronicles 3: this has been identified as a key issue especially when brought to light after a certain news article was published (link below). We know not yet the status of Sega or their aims for localization at this moment but we have decided to place our hopes on our allies who may help to localize this game: by allies I mean 3rd party publishers (including Atlus, Aksys Games and NIS America)

While we are still waiting for a reply from said publishers we have decided to attempt to bring back the hype and demand for Valkyria Chronicles 3 that was so fearlessly  displayed on the Sega Forums to their forums. We want to display this passion that the fans wish to see the 3rd game of this wonderful series be brought to the shores of the west. For that WE NEED YOU!
Here is your mission. We require you to be active on the following forums to help to display a demand for this franchise so big that the publishers will not be able to turn a blind eye. We want Valkyria Chronicles 3 to be the most talked about topic for the months to come. All you have to do is be active on the forums. This may require you start threads about various aspects of Valkyria Chronicles or contribute to other threads as well: anything as long as it keeps the forums active. If you have not an account already then please sign up. Again we greatly emphasize the importance of the participation of everyone on this mission. Let us show our spirit for the localization of Valkyria Chronicles 3.

You have your orders.
Gallian Liberation Front, MOVE OUT!

NIS America Forums:

(Note this list may be updated later on with forums from other potential 3rd party publishers.)

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Caption Competition #1

Hello Gallians. Want a Gallian Liberation Front T-shirt? How about one for FREE?.
Well here is your chance to win one in our first of several caption competitions.
The rules are simple. All you have to do is fill the speech bubbles below of what you think the characters within the picture are thinking/saying and then post this on our Facebook page. The individual who makes the most creative and entertaining picture will be awarded a free Gallian Liberation Front T-shirt of their choosing.

The first picture you will get to caption is of everyone's favorite Avan & Cossette from Valkyria Chronicles 2. You must caption what you believe Avan and Cossette are thinking at this time.
Please read the following rules before entering the competition.
  1. The competition will commence on 6th of June and will close on the 17th of June at 12pm (Eastern Standard Time). The end of the competition will be made official on our Facebook page in which by then entries posted after will now be eligible for the competition (though the individual may still post the picture on our Facebook page should he/she wish to).
  2. Entries will take 3 days to judge in which the winner will be announced on the 21st of June, 12pm (Eastern Standard Time)
  3. The winner will be notified via Facebook message from our group and will then by our admins via e-mail to further discuss details as to preference of shirt and address to send to.
  4. Entries are limited to 1 picture per person.
  5. Pictures must be posted on our Facebook Page to be eligible for voting. Pictures sent to our e-mail will not be counted)
  6. No foul language is allowed: Entries posted on our wall that are deemed to contain foul language by the Admins will be removed an the contestant will be disqualified.
  7. Have fun and be creative.
If you have anymore questions then please feel free to e-mail our admins at 

Monday, 23 April 2012

New Approach, New tactics.

ATTENTION SOLDIERS - We have an announcement to make. We have had many soldiers asking how we are going to approach localization in spite of the recent Sega layoffs and restructure and I can at least reveal for now what we are planning to do. We believe that bombarding Sega with a shrapnel of letters showing our support would not be the ideal tactic at this time, purely because Sega's attention will be focused on more pressing matters at this time.

Rather we have decided to reach new allies and ask for their assistance in the localization of Valkyria Chronicles 3 in the West: these allies are 3rd party publishers. We believe that the conditions are right for 3rd party publishers to take the reigns of localization and deliver us this beautiful game. What we intend to do is target a number of publishing companies and though a level of support from the community and a package (From the GLF) containing Valkyria Chronicles 3 content) attempt to convince them why this game should be localized. We believe that providing them with a level of understanding of why this game is so great and then showering them with support from the consumers would only strengthen our influence. If anyone has seen Operation Rainfall's new direction to localization then you will be familiar with our tactic>

This may be our most ambitious mission ever but with enough support and help from the community we may be able to achieve something great and we'd love for you to be a part of it.

(Note - we are still in the stages of planning this but be advised will be doing our best to get this operation up and running as soon as possible. If you have any recommendations that you would like to make on how we can approach or execute this plan more effectively either shout us a post, e-mail us or comment on the post on our blog. the choice is yours.)

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Lotte's Big Scoop #8

Did you know that Gallian Tanks are often named after types of plant? For example, Edelweiss is a white mountain flower, Shamrock is a three-leafed clover and Narcissus (Audrey Garssenarl's personal tank in VC3) is a genus of hardy spring flower. On the contrary, Imperial tanks are named after mammals, e.g. Batomys, Schakal (German for Jackal, Lydia's tank in VC3), Marmota, Equus, Dromedarius, Echidna, etc.

On the side note, Squad 422's tank is simply named Nameless.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Lotte's Big Scoop #7

Although Isara Gunther, the late sister of EWII hero Welkin Gunther was in fact the first person recorded to have invented a workable flying machines, it appears that the Gallians have made no real progress in development of flight technology since the initial model dubbed "ISARA". Other accounts of flying technology were the sights of the GRA blimp during the invasion of Lanseal Academy,

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Gallian Liberation Front - Podcast Episode 6 (03/30/2012) - The state of JRPG in the West

WE"RE BACK!!! A new host and a new guest speaker. Join us as J.R and new host Mike Viela chat with guest speaker and GLF artist, Liam Razo, about the state of JRPG in the west. There are technical difficulties, jokes, bloopers and for this podcast we have decided to adopt the art style used by Ben "YAHTZEE" Croshaw from Zero Punctuation (At request of Liam).



Thursday, 29 March 2012

T-shirts - Ambitious Project updarte

J.R - For all who have been following us during our endeavours to create unique uniforms for everyone to wear, you will know we had a big ambitious project for our next design which involved an original piece of artwork by Liam Razo with Imca & Riela in a "I WANT YOU FOR THE GALLIAN LIBERATION FRONT" picture on the front of the shirt while the Squad 422 Emblem would also be placed on the back of our shirt.

However if you haven't already guessed the Character & Insignia rights both belong to Sega. Not wanting to tarnish relations with Sega and create huge legal battles, I decided to contact Sega to ask them for permission. However since then I have not gotten a reply. What does that mean? Well ultimately it means we cannot create these T-shirts for sale since doing so would be illegal and ultimately cause friction between Sega and the GLF.

Does that mean we've dropped the project? NO. While we cannot official sell these t-shirts until further notice by Sega, we will be completing the design for these t-shirts. Well your probably wondering "how do you get one of these unique & stylish t-shirts?". Well lets just say we now have a sufficient prize to offer in our competitions. For those that remember, we previously held an art competition with the chance to join in on our podcast on the GLF however the offer was not inciting enough and we only had 4 participants. I believe now our prize now will be substantial enough to gather more participants on our competitions. We estimate the final design will be ready around April the 15th and we will be hosting a competition strait after its release for a chance to earn this. Meanwhile I hope everyone gets ready and excited for your chance to win one.

Also if their are concerns about winners being in locations that spreadshirt does not ship to, please don't worry. I will personally buy and ship the product to your address if spreadshirt doesn't cover your area for shipping. We will make sure that all winners receive the award they have rightful earned.

Note: I want to thank Markov, the leader of Operation Rainfall, for providing me with advice in regards to selling merchandise. I really appreciate his willingness to help another leader out.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Our uniforms are ready to all members of the Gallian Liberation Front. Fight for the localization of Valkyria Chronicles 3 in style.

Gallian Liberation Front online shop

Monday, 19 March 2012

Lotte's Big Scoop #6

According to the Valkyria Chronicles: Design Archive, Belgen Gunther, Georg von Damon and Eleanor Varrot are all military academy graduates. But it was revealed in Valkyria Chronicles that Lanseal is the ONLY military academy in Gallia. So that means the above three characters were all Lanseal cadets once. Some others graduate includes: Hubert Brixham, Leon Hardins, Baldren Gassenarl, Audrey Gassenarl, Kurt Irving.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Lotte's Big Scoop #5

In Valkyria Chronicles, the many variations of tanks that belong to the Empire were originally drafted for the Gallian Army, In the early pre-production phase the Gallian army had a wide range of tanks however in order to stick to the lore that Gallia technology isn't as advanced as the Empire's, these designs were eventually used for the Empire or scrapped.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Update - T-shirts concepts

We finally have some concept designs for the t-shirts up so please check them out and comment what you think (Look below). Please be reminded that these are not the final product and are subject to change. We want as much feedback as possible so please to provide it.
                 (Front)                                           (Back)                 

(Please check our posts on Facebook for bigger pictures. The logo on the front of shirt is shown below)

We also have information regarding our more ambiguous project. If you remember from my previous post, th...e idea was to have our own "I WANT YOU" picture featuring Imca and Riela. Liam has been working hard and from what I have seen I'm really excited.

HOWEVER this project may not reach fruition. Even though this is and original piece of work created by Liam, the rights to the characters belong to Sega: it is illegal to sell merchandise we do not own the rights to. We have contacted Sega in regards to this and so far our question has been passed to someone of higher authority in Sega. We hope to gain a favourable reply but we cannot say for sure what will happen. If there is anyone with knowledge in Law who could enlighten us on our current predicament then me and the team would be most grateful (either by comment or by e-mail).

Lotte's Big Scoop #3

During the pre-production phase when many characters were undergoing a model change, Welkin Gunther was the only one to retain his original image. There are only slight differences in his face and a wardrobe swap but other than that he is was completely the same

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Lotte's Big Scoop #2

During the pre-production phase of Valkyria Chronicles, many of the main protagonists went through significant changes in design follow the decision to make Valkyria Chronicles more military than fantasy. One such character was Isara or "Bastian" as she was known at the time considering the original concept had her as a "hybrid fury". The artist behind the design states that the ears were to add a distinctive look to the race and not out of some "personal fetish".

Lotte's Big Scoop #1

We all know Valkyria Chronicles is a wondrous universe but how much do we truly know? Well from now on I'm going to be announcing small details about the franchise titled, "Lotte's Big Scoop" and they can be interesting facts you may already know or don't. Either way we're sure one of these small tibitis is sure to enlighten you. 

Lotte's Big Scoop #1
"We know that Valkyria Chronicles tends to lend itself to the fantasy genre with its use of Valkyurs as a primary example. However did you know that during the pre-production phase, many sketches suggest that Valkyria Chronicles was heading more to the fantasy genre with ideas such as flying fortresses, different races (hybrids) and they even had Tank walkers. It can be said that if these ideas had went through then Valkyria Chronicles may have been more of fantasy game then we'd have expected."

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Uniforms are on there way

J.R - Update on our uniform. We're finally found a site to host our online shop 
( and after much discussion Liam has given us a date in which he can make the full design for our T-shirt: this is estimated to be before the end of March. HOWEVER we have decided to ask YOU, our soldiers, if you would like a simplistic T-shirt along with our more decorative design.

Here are the options we are going for.
Simple T-shirt: This will feature our logo (Look Below) along with our message of localization. This will be priced around $17.50 (US), not including shipping.

Our more ambitious project will feature an "I WANT YOU" design for the Gallian Liberation Front feature Riela and Imca. On the back will be our logo (Look Below) along with out message. This will cost you between $21.50 - $26.50 (US), not including shipping.

We want to know your suggestion. Do you want to wait for our more ambitious project or do you want both designs? If the simple T-shirt is requested then this can be design and ready to be brought in a couple of days.

Also if you have any suggestions on ways we can improve or add details to our design whether it be image, font, ect then please e-mail me at

Monday, 5 March 2012

Operation Blue Falcon has ended - Thank You

Greeting soldiers, J.R here.
This may be a little bit late however with the completion of Operation Blue Falcon, from me and the team, I would like to say thank you.

We couldn't have made this operation more successful without the help of each and every soldier who was willing to put there efforts in to see this operation through: for that you have my respect and gratitude.

So what lies ahead of the Gallian Liberation Front? Well firstly you will be increasing our efforts broaden the awareness of our operation as much as possible. Secondly we are currently preparing uniforms (shirts) for our soldiers to wear in public to show there support for the group: the team is working hard to bring you colours you will be proud to wear.

We are also preparing to assault Sega of America again and showering with so much support for localization.
PSVita has open new gateways for different forms of localization and with its increased popularity in the west, you can bet we will be capitalizing on this idea.

Most of all we ask all soldiers to keep there instilled faith for localization and be as active on the forums and promoting our group as much as possible. There are MANY people out there who are also fans of the franchise and our objective is to stand as a united front so the more exposure we have, the better.
Also if you know anyone who missing out on Valkyria Chronicles and has a PS3, then by right as fan you should introduce them to the game.

Lastly if anyone has any suggestsion on our group, such as how we can better run our operations, how to increase exposure, ideas for promotions, collaboration, then PLEASE send us your suggestions. We still consider ourselves a budding group that is growing in strength and we appreciate any critique we can get to help strengthen our militia.

Once again I would to express my gratitude for everyone who participated in Mission 06 - Operation, Blue Falcon. but don't get too comfortable. We're going to be taking the fight to Sega of America again so as the members of Squad 422 say, "Altaha Abilia" - ALWAYS READY!!!

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Liam's little project (sneak peak)

Hello soldiers.
If you haven't already heard the news, Liam Razo, who is an active supporter of our group and most notoriety known for blowing up roofs in our HQ has joined the offical GLF team as an art designer. We couldn't be more happy to have him and after his display of phenomenal talent with entry into our art competition designing a unique logo for our group.

Well the man himself has been working on a small project to for our GLF team for interesting uses in the future and we'd thought we give you sneak peak of what's happening.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Mission 06 - Operation Blue Falcon

Hey Soldiers. Major General J.R here.

It is that time once again where we gather our strength to show Sega our support for the franchise and this time we are aiming to gain favour with the Japanese branch. Why you ask? Because Sega of Japan play a big role in determining how localization may end up. We want to convince Sega of Japan to give their support to Valkyria Chronicles fans in the west.

Here are the details:
The letter templates can be downloaded in the link below. The blue fields on the Letter Templates are areas in which you can edit. Please note that the blue background will NOT appear when you print them (as they just show areas in which you can edit).

Letter templates to Japan:

Also note, that you cannot save the file. Once you have typed your customized letter. You must print it IMMEDIATELY. Please be sure to select the specific page to print before you actually print it. If you don't it will print out ALL 6 templates instead the one you just want.

Guidelines (for both Letters and E-mails):
1) Tell Sega the amount of passion you have for the Series. Tell them how much this game means to you.
2) Be polite and respectful in what you say. Remember your words are a reflection of the GLF.
3) Give them reasons as to why this game is important to gaming culture at large.
4) Acknowledge the issues concerning the PSP platform, but support the series to appear on other platforms.
5) Be optimistic in your content. Don't say things like "I'll kill myself if you don't release this game!!!111!!"
6) We want Sega to see us as a group of fans that are courteous and dedicated NOT clinically insane. So make sure the tone of your letters and/or emails are as such.
7) Finally, if you want to include other things VC related you own. Put them down as well.

Delivery Estimate Chart

The estimated date of arrival that Sega of America should receive our letters is:

February 25th, 2012

Please send your letters to:

SEGA of Japan Inc.
1-2-12 Haneda Ohta-ku
Tokyo 144-8531, Japan

Please use the following link below
 to e-mail Sega of Japan:

Translation Notes for Site:

- お名前 - Name
- メールアドレス - Email Address
- お問い合わせ詳細 - Content of Inquiry:
(In order from top to bottom)
+ Products
+ Information about SEGA
+ SEGA's working environment and activities.
+ Investment
+ Employment information
+ Website
+ Privacy policy
+ Others

This is going to require participation from all of you. If you want this game you must let Sega know.
Gallian Liberation Front...MOVE OUT!!!!

Sunday, 1 January 2012

New Year & New people (hiring)

Hey Soldiers. J.R here.

Its now 2012 and so a brand new start for the Gallian Liberation Front. Since our commencement in June 2011 we have made significant progress in such a short time, even gaining the support of Sega of America for our cause. If you need any proof then click the link below.

Valkyria Chronicles 3 - All hope is not lost

Now we want to kick of the year with many things to get you guys hyped up. We have lots to plan however we are incredibly short on man power and most of our admins are extremely busy outside there life so jugling that with admin work is no easy task (neither is waking up 4am for a podcast).

That being said we are now looking for talented individuals who wish take on the mantle and join the GLF head team to help further out cause. What we are looking for is listed below.

Artists - Creative people with basic/decent skills in photoshop, you will be tasked with creating new display pictures, promotional art as well any simple editing work regarding pictures for our podcast.

Video editors - Your task will be to help put our videos together for viewing on our you tube page, this will include promotional work as well as our podcasts. Require basic/decent video editing skills.

Podcast recorder/hosts - If you've ever recorded a podcast and know how to do one on skype then WE WANT YOU. You job will be to record our bi-weekly podcasts on skype as well occasionally be one of the hosts.

To be clear, Video editors and podcast recorders will be involved mostly on a bi-weekly basis with small projects such as the assembly of our podcasts and the odd project now and then for our missions.
Artists will only be asked to do the odd job now and then such as creating new promotion art, new display picture for our Facebook and other layout designs.

This is all we're looking for at the moment and once we have enough man power we can REALLY kick things into gear. If you'd love to help us then please send us an e-mail to the and we'll be sure to get back to you in 24 hours.